// SPARK particle engine														//
// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - Julien Fryer - julienfryer@gmail.com				//
//																				//
// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied			//
// warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages		//
// arising from the use of this software.										//
//																				//
// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,		//
// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it		//
// freely, subject to the following restrictions:								//
//																				//
// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not		//
//    claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software		//
//    in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be		//
//    appreciated but is not required.											//
// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be	//
//    misrepresented as being the original software.							//
// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.	//

#ifndef H_SPK_POOL
#define H_SPK_POOL

#include "Core/SPK_DEF.h"

namespace SPK
	* @class Pool
	* @brief A generic container to handle a pool of objects
	* A Pool is a container built upon a std vector.
	* It allows to store continuous objects by handling active and inactive ones.<br>
	* <br>
	* A Pool is designed to be faster than a vector to handle. However, the order of elements is not fixed.<br>
	* A Pool holds 2 continuous list of elements : the actives and the inactives :
	* <ul>
	* <li>When created, elements can either be activate or inactive.</li>
	* <li>When activating an element, the first inactive element is swapped with the element to activate and the number of active elements is increased by 1.</li>
	* <li>When inactivating an element, the last active element is swapped with the element to inactivate and the number of active elements is decreased by 1.</li>
	* </ul>
	* So when activating or disactivating an element, a single swap is used which is faster than the displacement of all following elements when inserting or removing an element from a vector.<br>
	* Elements are not removed in a Pool but only inactivated. Typically, elements will be removed when the Pool has to be destroyed or reinitialize.<br>
	* <br>
	* Another difference with a vector is that the reallocation is not automatic but only manual with a call to reallocate(unsigned int).
	* Therefore adding elements to a full Pool will have no effect until its capacity is increased.
	template<class T>
	class Pool
	public :

		/** @brief the iterator of a Pool */
		typedef typename std::vector<T>::iterator					iterator;

		/** @brief the constant iterator of a Pool */
		typedef typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator				const_iterator;

		/** @brief the reverse iterator of a Pool */
		typedef typename std::vector<T>::reverse_iterator			reverse_iterator;

		/** @brief the constant reverse iterator of a Pool */
		typedef typename std::vector<T>::const_reverse_iterator		const_reverse_iterator;

		/** @brief the default capacity of a Pool */
		static const unsigned int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 1000;

		// Constructors //

		* @brief Constructor of Pool
		* The capacity is the maximum number of elements a Pool can hold.<br>
		* Unlike a std vector, the capacity is not automatically increased when reaching it.
		* The user has to manually make a call to reallocate(unsigned int) to increase the capacity.
		* If an elements is added to a full Pool, nothing will happen.
		* @param capacity : the maximum number of elements the Pool can hold
		Pool<T>(size_t capacity = DEFAULT_CAPACITY);

		Pool<T>(const Pool<T>& pool);

		// Operators //

		Pool<T>& operator=(const Pool<T>& pool);

		* @brief Gets the element of the Pool at index
		* Note that the index is not tested and can therefore be out of bounds.
		* @param index : the index of the element to access
		* @return the accessed element
		T& operator[](size_t index);

		* @brief Gets the element of the Pool at index
		* This is the constant version of operator[](size_t).
		* @param index : the index of the element to access
		* @return the accessed element
		const T& operator[](size_t index) const;

		// Getters //

		* @brief Gets the number of active elements in this Pool
		* This method is the standard equivalent to getNbActive()
		* @return the number of active elements in this Pool
		* @since 1.01.01
		inline size_t size() const;

		* @brief Gets the number of active elements in this Pool
		* This method is equivalent to the standard size()
		* @return the number of active elements in this Pool
		inline size_t getNbActive() const;

		* @brief Gets the number of inactive elements in this Pool
		* @return the number of inactive elements in this Pool
		inline size_t getNbInactive() const;

		* @brief Gets the number of elements in this Pool
		* the number of elements is defined by : <i>number of active elements + number of inactive elements</i>.
		* @return the number of elements in this Pool
		inline size_t getNbTotal() const;

		* @brief Gets the capacity of this Pool
		* The capacity is the maximum number of elements a Pool can hold.
		* @return the capacity of this Pool
		inline size_t getNbReserved() const;

		* @brief Gets the room left for new elements in this Pool
		* This is defined by : <i>capacity - number of elements</i>.
		* @return the room left in this Pool
		inline size_t getNbEmpty() const;

		* @brief Gets the maximum number of elements this Pool had
		* This is useful to check if the capacity is well set or not.
		* @return the maximum number of elements this Pool had
		inline size_t getMaxTotal() const;

		// Iterators //

		* @brief Gets an iterator referring to the first active element in this Pool
		* This method is the standard equivalent to beginActive().
		* @return an iterator referring to the first active element in this Pool
		inline iterator begin();

		* @brief Gets an iterator referring to the past-the-end active element in this Pool
		* This method is the standard equivalent to endActive().<br>
		* It also returns the same iterator as beginInactive() but, to respect the syntax, should not be used for the same purpose.
		* @return an iterator referring to the past-the-end active element in this Pool
		inline iterator end();

		* @brief Gets an iterator referring to the first active element in this Pool
		* This method is equivalent to the standard begin().
		* @return an iterator referring to the first active element in this Pool
		inline iterator beginActive();

		* @brief Gets an iterator referring to the past-the-end active element in this Pool
		* This method is equivalent to the standard end().<br>
		* It also returns the same iterator as beginInactive() but, to respect the syntax, should not be used for the same purpose.
		* @return an iterator referring to the past-the-end active element in this Pool
		inline iterator endActive();

		* @brief Gets an iterator referring to the first inactive element in this Pool
		* Note that this method retuns the same iterator as end() and endActive(), but due to syntax, should not be use for the same purpose.
		* @return an iterator referring to the first inactive element in this Pool
		inline iterator beginInactive();

		* @brief Gets an iterator referring to the past-the-end inactive element in this Pool
		* @return an iterator referring to the past-the-end inactive element in this Pool
		inline iterator endInactive();

		* @brief Gets an iterator referring to the first active element in this Pool
		* This is the constant version of begin().
		* @return an iterator referring to the first active element in this Pool
		inline const_iterator begin() const;

		* @brief Gets an iterator referring to the past-the-end active element in this Pool
		* This is the constant version of end().
		* @return an iterator referring to the past-the-end active element in this Pool
		inline const_iterator end() const;

		* @brief Gets an iterator referring to the first active element in this Pool
		* This is the constant version of beginActive().
		* @return an iterator referring to the first active element in this Pool
		inline const_iterator beginActive() const;

		* @brief Gets an iterator referring to the past-the-end active element in this Pool
		* This is the constant version of endActive().
		* @return an iterator referring to the past-the-end active element in this Pool
		inline const_iterator endActive() const;

		* @brief Gets an iterator referring to the first inactive element in this Pool
		* This is the constant version of beginInactive().
		* @return an iterator referring to the first inactive element in this Pool
		inline const_iterator beginInactive() const;

		* @brief Gets an iterator referring to the past-the-end inactive element in this Pool
		* This is the constant version of endInactive().
		* @return an iterator referring to the past-the-end inactive element in this Pool
		inline const_iterator endInactive() const;

		* @brief Gets a reverse iterator referring to the first active element in this Pool
		* This method is the standard equivalent to rbeginActive().
		* @return a reverse iterator referring to the first active element in this Pool
		inline reverse_iterator rbegin();

		* @brief Gets a reverse iterator referring to the past-the-end active element in this Pool
		* This method is the standard equivalent to rendActive().<br>
		* It also returns the same reverse iterator as rbeginInactive() but, to respect the syntax, should not be used for the same purpose.
		* @return a reverse iterator referring to the past-the-end active element in this Pool
		inline reverse_iterator rend();

		* @brief Gets a reverse iterator referring to the first active element in this Pool
		* This method is equivalent to the standard rbegin().
		* @return a reverse iterator referring to the first active element in this Pool
		inline reverse_iterator rbeginActive();

		* @brief Gets a reverse iterator referring to the past-the-end active element in this Pool
		* This method is equivalent to the standard rend().<br>
		* It also returns the same reverse iterator as rbeginInactive() but, to respect the syntax, should not be used for the same purpose.
		* @return a reverse iterator referring to the past-the-end active element in this Pool
		inline reverse_iterator rendActive();

		* @brief Gets a reverse iterator referring to the first inactive element in this Pool
		* Note that this method retuns the same iterator as rend() and rendActive(), but due to syntax, should not be use for the same purpose.
		* @return a reverse iterator referring to the first inactive element in this Pool
		inline reverse_iterator rbeginInactive();

		* @brief Gets a reverse iterator referring to the past-the-end inactive element in this Pool
		* @return a reverse iterator referring to the past-the-end inactive element in this Pool
		inline reverse_iterator rendInactive();

		* @brief Gets a reverse iterator referring to the first active element in this Pool
		* This is the constant version of rbegin().
		* @return a reverse iterator referring to the first active element in this Pool
		inline const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const;

		* @brief Gets a reverse iterator referring to the past-the-end active element in this Pool
		* This is the constant version of rend().
		* @return a reverse iterator referring to the past-the-end active element in this Pool
		inline const_reverse_iterator rend() const;

		* @brief Gets a reverse iterator referring to the first active element in this Pool
		* This is the constant version of rbeginActive().
		* @return a reverse iterator referring to the first active element in this Pool
		inline const_reverse_iterator rbeginActive() const;

		* @brief Gets a reverse iterator referring to the past-the-end active element in this Pool
		* This is the constant version of rendActive().
		* @return a reverse iterator referring to the past-the-end active element in this Pool
		inline const_reverse_iterator rendActive() const;

		* @brief Gets a reverse iterator referring to the first inactive element in this Pool
		* This is the constant version of rbeginInactive().
		* @return a reverse iterator referring to the first inactive element in this Pool
		inline const_reverse_iterator rbeginInactive() const;

		* @brief Gets a reverse iterator referring to the past-the-end inactive element in this Pool
		* This is the constant version of rendInactive().
		* @return a reverse iterator referring to the past-the-end inactive element in this Pool
		inline const_reverse_iterator rendInactive() const;

		// Elements access //

		* @brief Gets the first active element
		* This method is the standard equivalent to frontActive().
		* @return the first active element
		* @since 1.01.01
		inline T& front();

		* @brief Gets the last active element
		* This method is the standard equivalent to backActive().
		* @return the last active element
		* @since 1.01.01
		inline T& back();

		* @brief Gets the first active element
		* This method is equivalent to the standard front().
		* @return the first active element
		* @since 1.01.01
		inline T& frontActive();

		* @brief Gets the last active element
		* This method is the equivalent to the standard back().
		* @return the last active element
		* @since 1.01.01
		inline T& backActive();

		* @brief Gets the first inactive element
		* @return the first inactive element
		* @since 1.01.01
		inline T& frontInactive();

		* @brief Gets the last inactive element
		* @return the last inactive element
		* @since 1.01.01
		inline T& backInactive();

		* @brief Gets the first active element
		* This is the constant version of front().
		* @return the first active element
		* @since 1.01.01
		inline const T& front() const;

		* @brief Gets the last active element
		* This is the constant version of back().
		* @return the last active element
		* @since 1.01.01
		inline const T& back() const;

		* @brief Gets the first active element
		* This is the constant version of frontActive().
		* @return the first active element
		* @since 1.01.01
		inline const T& frontActive() const;

		* @brief Gets the last active element
		* This is the constant version of backActive().
		* @return the last active element
		* @since 1.01.01
		inline const T& backActive() const;

		* @brief Gets the first inactive element
		* This is the constant version of frontInactive().
		* @return the first inactive element
		* @since 1.01.01
		inline const T& frontInactive() const;

		* @brief Gets the last inactive element
		* This is the constant version of backInactive().
		* @return the last inactive element
		* @since 1.01.01
		inline const T& backInactive() const;

		// Interface //

		* @brief Fills the Pool with a copy of the passed element
		* The Pool is filled entirely which means its number of elements will be equal to its capacity.<br>
		* Note that all added elements are inactive.
		* @param value : the element which will be copied into the Pool
		inline void assign(T& value);

		* @brief Adds an active element to this Pool
		* @param element : the element to add to this Pool
		* @return true if the element can be added, false otherwise (if the Pool has no more room left)
		bool pushActive(T& element);

		* @brief Adds an inactive element to this Pool
		* @param element : the element to add to this Pool
		* @return true if the element can be added, false otherwise (if the Pool has no more room left)
		bool pushInactive(T& element);

		* @brief Inactivates an active element
		* The index is tested and if it does not point to an active element, nothing will happen.
		* @param index : the index of the active element to inactivate
		void makeInactive(size_t index);

		/** @brief Inactivates all the elements */
		inline void makeAllInactive();

		* @brief Activates the first inactive element
		* A pointer to the activated element is returned.
		* If there is no inactive element to activate, NULL is returned.
		* @return a pointer to the activated element or NULL if there is no element to activate
		T* makeActive();

		* @brief Activates the <i>index</i> inactive element
		* The index starts at the first inactive element.<br>
		* This method is a bit slower than makeActive() but makeActive() has the same effect as makeActive(0).<br>
		* <br>
		* If the element at index is out of bounds, NULL is returned
		* @param index : the inactive element to activate
		* @return a pointer to the activated element or NULL if the index is out of bounds
		T* makeActive(size_t index);

		* @brief Removes an element from this Pool
		* The index is checked for bounds. If it is out of bounds nothing happens.<br>
		* <br>
		* Note that either an active or inactive element can be removed.
		* @param index : the index of the element to remove
		void erase(size_t index);

		/** @brief Removes all elements in this Pool */
		void clear();

		* @brief reallocates the Pool
		* This will invalidates all iterators on the Pool.<br>
		* If the new capacity is smaller than the number of elements, nothing happens.
		* @param capacity : the new desired capacity for this Pool
		inline void reallocate(size_t capacity);

	private :

		std::vector<T> container;

		size_t nbActive;
		size_t maxTotal;

		inline void swapElements(T& a,T& b);

	template<class T>
	Pool<T>::Pool(size_t capacity) :

	template<class T>
	Pool<T>::Pool(const Pool<T>& pool) :
		// the copy constructor of vector does not copy the capacity !
		container = pool.container;

	template<class T>
	Pool<T>& Pool<T>::operator=(const Pool<T>& pool)
		if (this != &pool)
			nbActive = pool.nbActive();
			maxTotal = 0;
			container = pool.container;
		return *this;

	template<class T>
	T& Pool<T>::operator[](size_t index)
		return container[index];

	template<class T>
	const T& Pool<T>::operator[](size_t index) const
		return container[index];

	template<class T>
	inline size_t Pool<T>::size() const
		return nbActive;

	template<class T>
	inline size_t Pool<T>::getNbActive() const
		return nbActive;

	template<class T>
	inline size_t Pool<T>::getNbInactive() const
		return container.size() - nbActive;

	template<class T>
	inline size_t Pool<T>::getNbTotal() const
		return container.size();

	template<class T>
	inline size_t Pool<T>::getNbReserved() const
		return container.capacity();

	template<class T>
	inline size_t Pool<T>::getNbEmpty() const
		return container.capacity() - container.size();

	template<class T>
	inline size_t Pool<T>::getMaxTotal() const
		return maxTotal;

	template<class T>
	inline typename Pool<T>::iterator Pool<T>::begin()
		return container.begin();

	template<class T>
	inline typename Pool<T>::iterator Pool<T>::end()
		return container.begin() + nbActive;

	template<class T>
	inline typename Pool<T>::iterator Pool<T>::beginActive()
		return begin();

	template<class T>
	inline typename Pool<T>::iterator Pool<T>::endActive()
		return end();

	template<class T>
	inline typename Pool<T>::iterator Pool<T>::beginInactive()
		return end();

	template<class T>
	inline typename Pool<T>::iterator Pool<T>::endInactive()
		return container.end();

	template<class T>
	inline typename Pool<T>::const_iterator Pool<T>::begin() const
		return container.begin();

	template<class T>
	inline typename Pool<T>::const_iterator Pool<T>::end() const
		return container.begin() + nbActive;

	template<class T>
	inline typename Pool<T>::const_iterator Pool<T>::beginActive() const
		return begin();

	template<class T>
	inline typename Pool<T>::const_iterator Pool<T>::endActive() const
		return end();

	template<class T>
	inline typename Pool<T>::const_iterator Pool<T>::beginInactive() const
		return end();

	template<class T>
	inline typename Pool<T>::const_iterator Pool<T>::endInactive() const
		return container.end();

	template<class T>
	inline typename Pool<T>::reverse_iterator Pool<T>::rbegin()
		return container.rbegin();

	template<class T>
	inline typename Pool<T>::reverse_iterator Pool<T>::rend()
		return container.rbegin() + nbActive;

	template<class T>
	inline typename Pool<T>::reverse_iterator Pool<T>::rbeginActive()
		return rbegin();

	template<class T>
	inline typename Pool<T>::reverse_iterator Pool<T>::rendActive()
		return rend();

	template<class T>
	inline typename Pool<T>::reverse_iterator Pool<T>::rbeginInactive()
		return rend();

	template<class T>
	inline typename Pool<T>::reverse_iterator Pool<T>::rendInactive()
		return container.rend();

	template<class T>
	inline typename Pool<T>::const_reverse_iterator Pool<T>::rbegin() const
		return container.rbegin();

	template<class T>
	inline typename Pool<T>::const_reverse_iterator Pool<T>::rend() const
		return container.rbegin() + nbActive;

	template<class T>
	inline typename Pool<T>::const_reverse_iterator Pool<T>::rbeginActive() const
		return rbegin();

	template<class T>
	inline typename Pool<T>::const_reverse_iterator Pool<T>::rendActive() const
		return rend();

	template<class T>
	inline typename Pool<T>::const_reverse_iterator Pool<T>::rbeginInactive() const
		return rend();

	template<class T>
	inline typename Pool<T>::const_reverse_iterator Pool<T>::rendInactive() const
		return container.rend();

	template<class T>
	inline T& Pool<T>::front()
		return container.front();

	template<class T>
	inline T& Pool<T>::back()
		return container[nbActive - 1];

	template<class T>
	inline T& Pool<T>::frontActive()
		return front();

	template<class T>
	inline T& Pool<T>::backActive()
		return back();

	template<class T>
	inline T& Pool<T>::frontInactive()
		return container[nbActive];

	template<class T>
	inline T& Pool<T>::backInactive()
		return container.back();

	template<class T>
	inline const T& Pool<T>::front() const
		return container.front();

	template<class T>
	inline const T& Pool<T>::back() const
		return container[nbActive - 1];

	template<class T>
	inline const T& Pool<T>::frontActive() const
		return front();

	template<class T>
	inline const T& Pool<T>::backActive() const
		return back();

	template<class T>
	inline const T& Pool<T>::frontInactive() const
		return container[nbActive];

	template<class T>
	inline const T& Pool<T>::backInactive() const
		return container.back();

	template<class T>
	inline void Pool<T>::assign(T& value)

	template<class T>
	inline void Pool<T>::swapElements(T& a,T& b)

	template<class T>
	bool Pool<T>::pushActive(T& element)
		if (container.size() == container.capacity())
			return false;


		if (container.size() > maxTotal)
			maxTotal = container.size();

		return true;

	template<class T>
	bool Pool<T>::pushInactive(T& element)
		if (container.size() == container.capacity())
			return false;


		if (container.size() > maxTotal)
			maxTotal = container.size();

		return true;

	template<class T>
	void Pool<T>::makeInactive(size_t index)
		if (index >= nbActive)

		swapElements(container[index],container[nbActive - 1]);

	template<class T>
	inline void Pool<T>::makeAllInactive()
		nbActive = 0;

	template<class T>
	T* Pool<T>::makeActive()
		if (getNbInactive() == 0)
			return NULL;

		return &container[0] + nbActive - 1;

	template<class T>
	T* Pool<T>::makeActive(size_t index)
		if (getNbInactive() < index)
			return NULL;

		swapElements(container[nbActive],container[nbActive + index]);
		return &container[0] + nbActive - 1;

	template<class T>
	void Pool<T>::erase(size_t index)
		if (index >= container.size())

		if (index < nbActive)
			swapElements(container[index],container[nbActive - 1]);
			index = nbActive;


	template<class T>
	void Pool<T>::clear()
		nbActive = 0;

	template<class T>
	inline void Pool<T>::reallocate(size_t capacity)
