////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SPARK particle engine // // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 - Julien Fryer - julienfryer@gmail.com // // // // This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied // // warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages // // arising from the use of this software. // // // // Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, // // including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it // // freely, subject to the following restrictions: // // // // 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not // // claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software // // in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be // // appreciated but is not required. // // 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be // // misrepresented as being the original software. // // 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef H_SPK_GLQUADRENDERER #define H_SPK_GLQUADRENDERER #include "RenderingAPIs/OpenGL/SPK_GLRenderer.h" #include "RenderingAPIs/OpenGL/SPK_GLExtHandler.h" #include "Extensions/Renderers/SPK_QuadRendererInterface.h" #include "Extensions/Renderers/SPK_Oriented3DRendererInterface.h" #include "Core/SPK_Vector3D.h" #include "Core/SPK_Particle.h" #include "Core/SPK_Model.h" namespace SPK { namespace GL { /** * @class GLQuadRenderer * @brief A Renderer drawing particles as OpenGL quads * * the orientation of the quads depends on the orientation parameters set. * This orientation is computed during rendering by the CPU (further improvement of SPARK will allow to make the computation on GPU side).<br> * <br> * Below are the parameters of Particle that are used in this Renderer (others have no effects) : * <ul> * <li>SPK::PARAM_SIZE</li> * <li>SPK::PARAM_RED</li> * <li>SPK::PARAM_GREEN</li> * <li>SPK::PARAM_BLUE</li> * <li>SPK::PARAM_ALPHA (only if blending is enabled)</li> * <li>SPK::PARAM_ANGLE</li> * <li>SPK::PARAM_TEXTURE_INDEX (only if not in TEXTURE_NONE mode)</li> * </ul> */ class SPK_GL_PREFIX GLQuadRenderer : public GLRenderer, public QuadRendererInterface, public Oriented3DRendererInterface, public GLExtHandler { SPK_IMPLEMENT_REGISTERABLE(GLQuadRenderer) public : ////////////////// // Constructors // ////////////////// /** * @brief Constructor of GLQuadRenderer * @param scaleX the scale of the width of the quad * @param scaleY the scale of the height of the quad */ GLQuadRenderer(float scaleX = 1.0f,float scaleY = 1.0f); /** * @brief Creates and registers a new GLQuadRenderer * @param scaleX the scale of the width of the quad * @param scaleY the scale of the height of the quad * @return A new registered GLQuadRenderer * @since 1.04.00 */ static inline GLQuadRenderer* create(float scaleX = 1.0f,float scaleY = 1.0f); ///////////// // Setters // ///////////// virtual bool setTexturingMode(TexturingMode mode); inline void setTexture(GLuint textureIndex); ///////////// // Getters // ///////////// /** * @brief Gets the texture of this GLQuadRenderer * @return the texture of this GLQuadRenderer */ inline GLuint getTexture() const; /////////////// // Interface // /////////////// virtual void createBuffers(const Group& group); virtual void destroyBuffers(const Group& group); virtual void render(const Group& group); protected : virtual bool checkBuffers(const Group& group); private : mutable float modelView[16]; mutable float invModelView[16]; GLuint textureIndex; // vertex buffers and iterators static float* gpuBuffer; static float* gpuIterator; static float* textureBuffer; static float* textureIterator; // buffers names static const std::string GPU_BUFFER_NAME; static const std::string TEXTURE_BUFFER_NAME; float* createTextureBuffer(const Group& group) const; inline void invertModelView() const; inline void GLCallColorAndVertex(const Particle& particle) const; // OpenGL calls for color and position inline void GLCallTexture2DAtlas(const Particle& particle) const; // OpenGL calls for 2D atlastexturing inline void GLCallTexture3D(const Particle& particle) const; // OpenGL calls for 3D texturing static void (GLQuadRenderer::*renderParticle)(const Particle&) const; // pointer to the right render method void render2D(const Particle& particle) const; // Rendering for particles with texture 2D or no texture void render2DRot(const Particle& particle) const; // Rendering for particles with texture 2D or no texture and rotation void render3D(const Particle& particle) const; // Rendering for particles with texture 3D void render3DRot(const Particle& particle) const; // Rendering for particles with texture 3D and rotation void render2DAtlas(const Particle& particle) const; // Rendering for particles with texture 2D atlas void render2DAtlasRot(const Particle& particle) const; // Rendering for particles with texture 2D atlas and rotation }; inline GLQuadRenderer* GLQuadRenderer::create(float scaleX,float scaleY) { GLQuadRenderer* obj = new GLQuadRenderer(scaleX,scaleY); registerObject(obj); return obj; } inline void GLQuadRenderer::setTexture(GLuint textureIndex) { this->textureIndex = textureIndex; } inline GLuint GLQuadRenderer::getTexture() const { return textureIndex; } inline void GLQuadRenderer::GLCallColorAndVertex(const Particle& particle) const { float x = particle.position().x; float y = particle.position().y; float z = particle.position().z; // quads are drawn in a counter clockwise order : // top right vertex *(gpuIterator++) = x + quadSide().x + quadUp().x; *(gpuIterator++) = y + quadSide().y + quadUp().y; *(gpuIterator++) = z + quadSide().z + quadUp().z; gpuIterator += 4; // top left vertex *(gpuIterator++) = x - quadSide().x + quadUp().x; *(gpuIterator++) = y - quadSide().y + quadUp().y; *(gpuIterator++) = z - quadSide().z + quadUp().z; gpuIterator += 4; // bottom left *(gpuIterator++) = x - quadSide().x - quadUp().x; *(gpuIterator++) = y - quadSide().y - quadUp().y; *(gpuIterator++) = z - quadSide().z - quadUp().z; gpuIterator += 4; // bottom right *(gpuIterator++) = x + quadSide().x - quadUp().x; *(gpuIterator++) = y + quadSide().y - quadUp().y; *(gpuIterator++) = z + quadSide().z - quadUp().z; *(gpuIterator++) = particle.getR(); *(gpuIterator++) = particle.getG(); *(gpuIterator++) = particle.getB(); *(gpuIterator++) = particle.getParamCurrentValue(PARAM_ALPHA); } inline void GLQuadRenderer::GLCallTexture2DAtlas(const Particle& particle) const { computeAtlasCoordinates(particle); *(textureIterator++) = textureAtlasU1(); *(textureIterator++) = textureAtlasV0(); *(textureIterator++) = textureAtlasU0(); *(textureIterator++) = textureAtlasV0(); *(textureIterator++) = textureAtlasU0(); *(textureIterator++) = textureAtlasV1(); *(textureIterator++) = textureAtlasU1(); *(textureIterator++) = textureAtlasV1(); } inline void GLQuadRenderer::GLCallTexture3D(const Particle& particle) const { float textureIndex = particle.getParamCurrentValue(PARAM_TEXTURE_INDEX); *(textureIterator + 2) = textureIndex; *(textureIterator + 5) = textureIndex; *(textureIterator + 8) = textureIndex; *(textureIterator + 11) = textureIndex; textureIterator += 12; } inline void GLQuadRenderer::invertModelView() const { float tmp[12]; float src[16]; /* transpose matrix */ for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { src[i] = modelView[i << 2]; src[i + 4] = modelView[(i << 2) + 1]; src[i + 8] = modelView[(i << 2) + 2]; src[i + 12] = modelView[(i << 2) + 3]; } /* calculate pairs for first 8 elements (cofactors) */ tmp[0] = src[10] * src[15]; tmp[1] = src[11] * src[14]; tmp[2] = src[9] * src[15]; tmp[3] = src[11] * src[13]; tmp[4] = src[9] * src[14]; tmp[5] = src[10] * src[13]; tmp[6] = src[8] * src[15]; tmp[7] = src[11] * src[12]; tmp[8] = src[8] * src[14]; tmp[9] = src[10] * src[12]; tmp[10] = src[8] * src[13]; tmp[11] = src[9] * src[12]; /* calculate first 8 elements (cofactors) */ invModelView[0] = tmp[0] * src[5] + tmp[3] * src[6] + tmp[4] * src[7] - tmp[1] * src[5] - tmp[2] * src[6] - tmp[5] * src[7]; invModelView[1] = tmp[1] * src[4] + tmp[6] * src[6] + tmp[9] * src[7] - tmp[0] * src[4] - tmp[7] * src[6] - tmp[8] * src[7]; invModelView[2] = tmp[2] * src[4] + tmp[7] * src[5] + tmp[10] * src[7] - tmp[3] * src[4] - tmp[6] * src[5] - tmp[11] * src[7]; invModelView[3] = tmp[5] * src[4] + tmp[8] * src[5] + tmp[11] * src[6] - tmp[4] * src[4] - tmp[9] * src[5] - tmp[10] * src[6]; invModelView[4] = tmp[1] * src[1] + tmp[2] * src[2] + tmp[5] * src[3] - tmp[0] * src[1] - tmp[3] * src[2] - tmp[4] * src[3]; invModelView[5] = tmp[0] * src[0] + tmp[7] * src[2] + tmp[8] * src[3] - tmp[1] * src[0]- tmp[6] * src[2] - tmp[9] * src[3]; invModelView[6] = tmp[3] * src[0] + tmp[6] * src[1] + tmp[11] * src[3] - tmp[2] * src[0] - tmp[7] * src[1] - tmp[10] * src[3]; invModelView[7] = tmp[4] * src[0] + tmp[9] * src[1] + tmp[10] * src[2] - tmp[5]*src[0] - tmp[8]*src[1] - tmp[11]*src[2]; /* calculate pairs for second 8 elements (cofactors) */ tmp[0] = src[2] * src[7]; tmp[1] = src[3] * src[6]; tmp[2] = src[1] * src[7]; tmp[3] = src[3] * src[5]; tmp[4] = src[1] * src[6]; tmp[5] = src[2] * src[5]; tmp[6] = src[0] * src[7]; tmp[7] = src[3] * src[4]; tmp[8] = src[0] * src[6]; tmp[9] = src[2] * src[4]; tmp[10] = src[0] * src[5]; tmp[11] = src[1] * src[4]; /* calculate second 8 elements (cofactors) */ invModelView[8] = tmp[0] * src[13] + tmp[3] * src[14] + tmp[4] * src[15] - tmp[1] * src[13] - tmp[2] * src[14] - tmp[5] * src[15]; invModelView[9] = tmp[1] * src[12] + tmp[6] * src[14] + tmp[9] * src[15] - tmp[0] * src[12] - tmp[7] * src[14] - tmp[8] * src[15]; invModelView[10] = tmp[2] * src[12] + tmp[7] * src[13] + tmp[10] * src[15] - tmp[3] * src[12] - tmp[6] * src[13] - tmp[11] * src[15]; invModelView[11] = tmp[5] * src[12] + tmp[8] * src[13] + tmp[11] * src[14] - tmp[4] * src[12] - tmp[9] * src[13] - tmp[10] * src[14]; invModelView[12] = tmp[2] * src[10] + tmp[5] * src[11] + tmp[1] * src[9] - tmp[4] * src[11] - tmp[0] * src[9] - tmp[3] * src[10]; invModelView[13] = tmp[8] * src[11] + tmp[0] * src[8] + tmp[7] * src[10] - tmp[6] * src[10] - tmp[9] * src[11] - tmp[1] * src[8]; invModelView[14] = tmp[6] * src[9] + tmp[11] * src[11] + tmp[3] * src[8] - tmp[10] * src[11] - tmp[2] * src[8] - tmp[7] * src[9]; invModelView[15] = tmp[10] * src[10] + tmp[4] * src[8] + tmp[9] * src[9] - tmp[8] * src[9] - tmp[11] * src[10] - tmp[5] * src[8]; /* calculate determinant */ float det = src[0] * invModelView[0] + src[1] * invModelView[1] + src[2] * invModelView[2] + src[3] * invModelView[3]; /* calculate matrix inverse */ det = 1 / det; for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) invModelView[i] *= det; } }} #endif