2008-01-16 11:45:17 +00:00

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Bullet Continuous Collision Detection and Physics Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Erwin Coumans http://continuousphysics.com/Bullet/
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#include "LinearMath/btAlignedObjectArray.h"
#include "LinearMath/btPoint3.h"
#include "LinearMath/btTransform.h"
#include "BulletCollision/BroadphaseCollision/btBroadphaseProxy.h"
#include "BulletCollision/CollisionDispatch/btCollisionObject.h"
class btCollisionShape;
class btMotionState;
class btTypedConstraint;
extern btScalar gLinearAirDamping;
extern btScalar gDeactivationTime;
extern bool gDisableDeactivation;
extern btScalar gLinearSleepingThreshold;
extern btScalar gAngularSleepingThreshold;
/// btRigidBody class for btRigidBody Dynamics
class btRigidBody : public btCollisionObject
btMatrix3x3 m_invInertiaTensorWorld;
btVector3 m_linearVelocity;
btVector3 m_angularVelocity;
btScalar m_inverseMass;
btScalar m_angularFactor;
btVector3 m_gravity;
btVector3 m_invInertiaLocal;
btVector3 m_totalForce;
btVector3 m_totalTorque;
btScalar m_linearDamping;
btScalar m_angularDamping;
btScalar m_linearSleepingThreshold;
btScalar m_angularSleepingThreshold;
//m_optionalMotionState allows to automatic synchronize the world transform for active objects
btMotionState* m_optionalMotionState;
//keep track of typed constraints referencing this rigid body
btAlignedObjectArray<btTypedConstraint*> m_constraintRefs;
//not supported, please use btMotionState
btRigidBody(btScalar mass, const btTransform& worldTransform, btCollisionShape* collisionShape, const btVector3& localInertia=btVector3(0,0,0),btScalar linearDamping=btScalar(0.),btScalar angularDamping=btScalar(0.),btScalar friction=btScalar(0.5),btScalar restitution=btScalar(0.));
btRigidBody(btScalar mass, btMotionState* motionState, btCollisionShape* collisionShape, const btVector3& localInertia=btVector3(0,0,0),btScalar linearDamping=btScalar(0.),btScalar angularDamping=btScalar(0.),btScalar friction=btScalar(0.5),btScalar restitution=btScalar(0.));
virtual ~btRigidBody()
//No constraints should point to this rigidbody
//Remove constraints from the dynamics world before you delete the related rigidbodies.
void proceedToTransform(const btTransform& newTrans);
///to keep collision detection and dynamics separate we don't store a rigidbody pointer
///but a rigidbody is derived from btCollisionObject, so we can safely perform an upcast
static const btRigidBody* upcast(const btCollisionObject* colObj)
return (const btRigidBody*)colObj->getInternalOwner();
static btRigidBody* upcast(btCollisionObject* colObj)
return (btRigidBody*)colObj->getInternalOwner();
/// continuous collision detection needs prediction
void predictIntegratedTransform(btScalar step, btTransform& predictedTransform) ;
void saveKinematicState(btScalar step);
void applyForces(btScalar step);
void setGravity(const btVector3& acceleration);
const btVector3& getGravity() const
return m_gravity;
void setDamping(btScalar lin_damping, btScalar ang_damping);
inline const btCollisionShape* getCollisionShape() const {
return m_collisionShape;
inline btCollisionShape* getCollisionShape() {
return m_collisionShape;
void setMassProps(btScalar mass, const btVector3& inertia);
btScalar getInvMass() const { return m_inverseMass; }
const btMatrix3x3& getInvInertiaTensorWorld() const {
return m_invInertiaTensorWorld;
void integrateVelocities(btScalar step);
void setCenterOfMassTransform(const btTransform& xform);
void applyCentralForce(const btVector3& force)
m_totalForce += force;
const btVector3& getInvInertiaDiagLocal()
return m_invInertiaLocal;
void setInvInertiaDiagLocal(const btVector3& diagInvInertia)
m_invInertiaLocal = diagInvInertia;
void setSleepingThresholds(btScalar linear,btScalar angular)
m_linearSleepingThreshold = linear;
m_angularSleepingThreshold = angular;
void applyTorque(const btVector3& torque)
m_totalTorque += torque;
void applyForce(const btVector3& force, const btVector3& rel_pos)
void applyCentralImpulse(const btVector3& impulse)
m_linearVelocity += impulse * m_inverseMass;
void applyTorqueImpulse(const btVector3& torque)
m_angularVelocity += m_invInertiaTensorWorld * torque;
void applyImpulse(const btVector3& impulse, const btVector3& rel_pos)
if (m_inverseMass != btScalar(0.))
if (m_angularFactor)
//Optimization for the iterative solver: avoid calculating constant terms involving inertia, normal, relative position
inline void internalApplyImpulse(const btVector3& linearComponent, const btVector3& angularComponent,btScalar impulseMagnitude)
if (m_inverseMass != btScalar(0.))
m_linearVelocity += linearComponent*impulseMagnitude;
if (m_angularFactor)
m_angularVelocity += angularComponent*impulseMagnitude*m_angularFactor;
void clearForces()
m_totalForce.setValue(btScalar(0.0), btScalar(0.0), btScalar(0.0));
m_totalTorque.setValue(btScalar(0.0), btScalar(0.0), btScalar(0.0));
void updateInertiaTensor();
const btPoint3& getCenterOfMassPosition() const {
return m_worldTransform.getOrigin();
btQuaternion getOrientation() const;
const btTransform& getCenterOfMassTransform() const {
return m_worldTransform;
const btVector3& getLinearVelocity() const {
return m_linearVelocity;
const btVector3& getAngularVelocity() const {
return m_angularVelocity;
inline void setLinearVelocity(const btVector3& lin_vel)
assert (m_collisionFlags != btCollisionObject::CF_STATIC_OBJECT);
m_linearVelocity = lin_vel;
inline void setAngularVelocity(const btVector3& ang_vel) {
assert (m_collisionFlags != btCollisionObject::CF_STATIC_OBJECT);
m_angularVelocity = ang_vel;
btVector3 getVelocityInLocalPoint(const btVector3& rel_pos) const
//we also calculate lin/ang velocity for kinematic objects
return m_linearVelocity + m_angularVelocity.cross(rel_pos);
//for kinematic objects, we could also use use:
// return (m_worldTransform(rel_pos) - m_interpolationWorldTransform(rel_pos)) / m_kinematicTimeStep;
void translate(const btVector3& v)
m_worldTransform.getOrigin() += v;
void getAabb(btVector3& aabbMin,btVector3& aabbMax) const;
inline btScalar computeImpulseDenominator(const btPoint3& pos, const btVector3& normal) const
btVector3 r0 = pos - getCenterOfMassPosition();
btVector3 c0 = (r0).cross(normal);
btVector3 vec = (c0 * getInvInertiaTensorWorld()).cross(r0);
return m_inverseMass + normal.dot(vec);
inline btScalar computeAngularImpulseDenominator(const btVector3& axis) const
btVector3 vec = axis * getInvInertiaTensorWorld();
return axis.dot(vec);
inline void updateDeactivation(btScalar timeStep)
if ( (getActivationState() == ISLAND_SLEEPING) || (getActivationState() == DISABLE_DEACTIVATION))
if ((getLinearVelocity().length2() < m_linearSleepingThreshold*m_linearSleepingThreshold) &&
(getAngularVelocity().length2() < m_angularSleepingThreshold*m_angularSleepingThreshold))
m_deactivationTime += timeStep;
} else
inline bool wantsSleeping()
if (getActivationState() == DISABLE_DEACTIVATION)
return false;
//disable deactivation
if (gDisableDeactivation || (gDeactivationTime == btScalar(0.)))
return false;
if ( (getActivationState() == ISLAND_SLEEPING) || (getActivationState() == WANTS_DEACTIVATION))
return true;
if (m_deactivationTime> gDeactivationTime)
return true;
return false;
const btBroadphaseProxy* getBroadphaseProxy() const
return m_broadphaseHandle;
btBroadphaseProxy* getBroadphaseProxy()
return m_broadphaseHandle;
void setNewBroadphaseProxy(btBroadphaseProxy* broadphaseProxy)
m_broadphaseHandle = broadphaseProxy;
//btMotionState allows to automatic synchronize the world transform for active objects
btMotionState* getMotionState()
return m_optionalMotionState;
const btMotionState* getMotionState() const
return m_optionalMotionState;
void setMotionState(btMotionState* motionState)
m_optionalMotionState = motionState;
if (m_optionalMotionState)
//for experimental overriding of friction/contact solver func
int m_contactSolverType;
int m_frictionSolverType;
void setAngularFactor(btScalar angFac)
m_angularFactor = angFac;
btScalar getAngularFactor() const
return m_angularFactor;
//is this rigidbody added to a btCollisionWorld/btDynamicsWorld/btBroadphase?
bool isInWorld() const
return (getBroadphaseProxy() != 0);
virtual bool checkCollideWithOverride(btCollisionObject* co);
void addConstraintRef(btTypedConstraint* c);
void removeConstraintRef(btTypedConstraint* c);
btTypedConstraint* getConstraintRef(int index)
return m_constraintRefs[index];
int getNumConstraintRefs()
return m_constraintRefs.size();
int m_debugBodyId;