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* *
* Open Dynamics Engine, Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Russell L. Smith. *
* All rights reserved. Email: Web: *
* *
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of EITHER: *
* (1) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free *
* Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at *
* your option) any later version. The text of the GNU Lesser *
* General Public License is included with this library in the *
* file LICENSE.TXT. *
* (2) The BSD-style license that is included with this library in *
* the file LICENSE-BSD.TXT. *
* *
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* LICENSE.TXT and LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details. *
* *
* Triangle-Capsule(Capsule) collider by Alen Ladavac
* Ported to ODE by Nguyen Binh
// NOTES from Nguyen Binh
// 14 Apr : Seem to be robust
// There is a problem when you use original Step and set contact friction
// = dInfinity;
// More description :
// When I dropped Capsule over the bunny ears, it seems to stuck
// there for a while. I think the cause is when you set = dInfinity;
// the friction force is too high so it just hang the capsule there.
// So the good cure for this is to set mu = around 1.5 (in my case)
// For StepFast1, this become as solid as rock : StepFast1 just approximate
// friction force.
// NOTES from Croteam's Alen
//As a side note... there are some extra contacts that can be generated
//on the edge between two triangles, and if the capsule penetrates deeply into
//the triangle (usually happens with large mass or low FPS), some such
//contacts can in some cases push the capsule away from the edge instead of
//away from the two triangles. This shows up as capsule slowing down a bit
//when hitting an edge while sliding along a flat tesselated grid of
//triangles. This is only if capsule is standing upwards.
//Same thing can appear whenever a smooth object (e.g sphere) hits such an
//edge, and it needs to be solved as a special case probably. This is a
//problem we are looking forward to address soon.
#include <ode/collision.h>
#include <ode/matrix.h>
#include <ode/rotation.h>
#include <ode/odemath.h>
#include "collision_util.h"
#include "collision_trimesh_internal.h"
// OPCODE version
// largest number, double or float
#if defined(dSINGLE)
#define MIN_REAL (-FLT_MAX)
#define MIN_REAL (-DBL_MAX)
// To optimize before send contacts to dynamic part
// dVector3
// r=a-b
#define SUBTRACT(a,b,r) \
(r)[0]=(a)[0] - (b)[0]; \
(r)[1]=(a)[1] - (b)[1]; \
(r)[2]=(a)[2] - (b)[2];
// dVector3
// a=b
#define SET(a,b) \
(a)[0]=(b)[0]; \
(a)[1]=(b)[1]; \
// dMatrix3
// a=b
#define SETM(a,b) \
(a)[0]=(b)[0]; \
(a)[1]=(b)[1]; \
(a)[2]=(b)[2]; \
(a)[3]=(b)[3]; \
(a)[4]=(b)[4]; \
(a)[5]=(b)[5]; \
(a)[6]=(b)[6]; \
(a)[7]=(b)[7]; \
(a)[8]=(b)[8]; \
(a)[9]=(b)[9]; \
(a)[10]=(b)[10]; \
// dVector3
// r=a+b
#define ADD(a,b,r) \
(r)[0]=(a)[0] + (b)[0]; \
(r)[1]=(a)[1] + (b)[1]; \
(r)[2]=(a)[2] + (b)[2];
// dMatrix3, int, dVector3
// v=column a from m
#define GETCOL(m,a,v) \
(v)[0]=(m)[(a)+0]; \
(v)[1]=(m)[(a)+4]; \
// dVector4, dVector3
// distance between plane p and point v
#define POINTDISTANCE(p,v) \
( p[0]*v[0] + p[1]*v[1] + p[2]*v[2] + p[3] ); \
// dVector4, dVector3, dReal
// construct plane from normal and d
#define CONSTRUCTPLANE(plane,normal,d) \
// dVector3
// length of vector a
#define LENGTHOF(a) \
inline dReal _length2OfVector3(dVector3 v)
return (v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1] + v[2] * v[2] );
// Local contacts data
typedef struct _sLocalContactData
dVector3 vPos;
dVector3 vNormal;
dReal fDepth;
int triIndex;
int nFlags; // 0 = filtered out, 1 = OK
static sLocalContactData *gLocalContacts;
static unsigned int ctContacts = 0;
// capsule data
// real time data
static dMatrix3 mCapsuleRotation;
static dVector3 vCapsulePosition;
static dVector3 vCapsuleAxis;
// static data
static dReal vCapsuleRadius;
static dReal fCapsuleSize;
// mesh data
static dMatrix4 mHullDstPl;
static dMatrix3 mTriMeshRot;
static dVector3 mTriMeshPos;
static dVector3 vE0, vE1, vE2;
// Two geom
dxGeom* gCylinder;
dxGeom* gTriMesh;
// global collider data
static dVector3 vNormal;
static dReal fBestDepth;
static dReal fBestCenter;
static dReal fBestrt;
static int iBestAxis;
static dVector3 vN = {0,0,0,0};
static dVector3 vV0;
static dVector3 vV1;
static dVector3 vV2;
// ODE contact's specific
static unsigned int iFlags;
static dContactGeom *ContactGeoms;
static int iStride;
// Capsule lie on axis number 3 = (Z axis)
static const int nCAPSULE_AXIS = 2;
// Use to classify contacts to be "near" in position
static const dReal fSameContactPositionEpsilon = REAL(0.0001); // 1e-4
// Use to classify contacts to be "near" in normal direction
static const dReal fSameContactNormalEpsilon = REAL(0.0001); // 1e-4
// If this two contact can be classified as "near"
inline int _IsNearContacts(sLocalContactData& c1,sLocalContactData& c2)
int bPosNear = 0;
int bSameDir = 0;
dVector3 vDiff;
// First check if they are "near" in position
if ( (dFabs(vDiff[0]) < fSameContactPositionEpsilon)
&&(dFabs(vDiff[1]) < fSameContactPositionEpsilon)
&&(dFabs(vDiff[2]) < fSameContactPositionEpsilon))
bPosNear = 1;
// Second check if they are "near" in normal direction
if ( (dFabs(vDiff[0]) < fSameContactNormalEpsilon)
&&(dFabs(vDiff[1]) < fSameContactNormalEpsilon)
&&(dFabs(vDiff[2]) < fSameContactNormalEpsilon) )
bSameDir = 1;
// Will be "near" if position and normal direction are "near"
return (bPosNear && bSameDir);
inline int _IsBetter(sLocalContactData& c1,sLocalContactData& c2)
// The not better will be throw away
// You can change the selection criteria here
return (c1.fDepth > c2.fDepth);
// iterate through gLocalContacts and filtered out "near contact"
inline void _OptimizeLocalContacts()
int nContacts = ctContacts;
for (int i = 0; i < nContacts-1; i++)
for (int j = i+1; j < nContacts; j++)
if (_IsNearContacts(gLocalContacts[i],gLocalContacts[j]))
// If they are seem to be the samed then filtered
// out the least penetrate one
if (_IsBetter(gLocalContacts[j],gLocalContacts[i]))
gLocalContacts[i].nFlags = 0; // filtered 1st contact
gLocalContacts[j].nFlags = 0; // filtered 2nd contact
// There is other way is to add two depth together but
// it not work so well. Why???
inline int _ProcessLocalContacts()
if (ctContacts == 0)
return 0;
if (ctContacts > 1)
// Can be optimized...
unsigned int iContact = 0;
dContactGeom* Contact = 0;
unsigned int nFinalContact = 0;
for (iContact = 0; iContact < ctContacts; iContact ++)
// Ensure that we haven't created too many contacts
if( nFinalContact >= (iFlags & NUMC_MASK))
if (1 == gLocalContacts[iContact].nFlags)
Contact = SAFECONTACT(iFlags, ContactGeoms, nFinalContact, iStride);
Contact->depth = gLocalContacts[iContact].fDepth;
Contact->g1 = gTriMesh;
Contact->g2 = gCylinder;
Contact->side2 = gLocalContacts[iContact].triIndex;
// debug
//if (nFinalContact != ctContacts)
// printf("[Info] %d contacts generated,%d filtered.\n",ctContacts,ctContacts-nFinalContact);
return nFinalContact;
BOOL _cldClipEdgeToPlane( dVector3 &vEpnt0, dVector3 &vEpnt1, const dVector4& plPlane)
// calculate distance of edge points to plane
dReal fDistance0 = POINTDISTANCE( plPlane, vEpnt0 );
dReal fDistance1 = POINTDISTANCE( plPlane, vEpnt1 );
// if both points are behind the plane
if ( fDistance0 < 0 && fDistance1 < 0 )
// do nothing
return FALSE;
// if both points in front of the plane
} else if ( fDistance0 > 0 && fDistance1 > 0 )
// accept them
return TRUE;
// if we have edge/plane intersection
} else if ((fDistance0 > 0 && fDistance1 < 0) || ( fDistance0 < 0 && fDistance1 > 0))
// find intersection point of edge and plane
dVector3 vIntersectionPoint;
vIntersectionPoint[0]= vEpnt0[0]-(vEpnt0[0]-vEpnt1[0])*fDistance0/(fDistance0-fDistance1);
vIntersectionPoint[1]= vEpnt0[1]-(vEpnt0[1]-vEpnt1[1])*fDistance0/(fDistance0-fDistance1);
vIntersectionPoint[2]= vEpnt0[2]-(vEpnt0[2]-vEpnt1[2])*fDistance0/(fDistance0-fDistance1);
// clamp correct edge to intersection point
if ( fDistance0 < 0 )
} else
return TRUE;
return TRUE;
static BOOL _cldTestAxis(const dVector3 &v0,
const dVector3 &v1,
const dVector3 &v2,
dVector3 vAxis,
int iAxis,
// calculate length of separating axis vector
dReal fL = LENGTHOF(vAxis);
// if not long enough
// TODO : dReal epsilon please
if ( fL < 1e-5f )
// do nothing
//iLastOutAxis = 0;
return TRUE;
// otherwise normalize it
// project capsule on vAxis
dReal frc = dFabs(dDOT(vCapsuleAxis,vAxis))*(fCapsuleSize*REAL(0.5)-vCapsuleRadius) + vCapsuleRadius;
// project triangle on vAxis
dReal afv[3];
afv[0] = dDOT( vV0 , vAxis );
afv[1] = dDOT( vV1 , vAxis );
afv[2] = dDOT( vV2 , vAxis );
dReal fMin = MAX_REAL;
dReal fMax = MIN_REAL;
// for each vertex
for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
// find minimum
if (afv[i]<fMin)
fMin = afv[i];
// find maximum
if (afv[i]>fMax)
fMax = afv[i];
// find triangle's center of interval on axis
dReal fCenter = (fMin+fMax)*REAL(0.5);
// calculate triangles half interval
dReal fTriangleRadius = (fMax-fMin)*REAL(0.5);
// if they do not overlap,
if( dFabs(fCenter) > ( frc + fTriangleRadius ) )
// exit, we have no intersection
return FALSE;
// calculate depth
dReal fDepth = dFabs(fCenter) - (frc+fTriangleRadius);
// if greater then best found so far
if ( fDepth > fBestDepth )
// remember depth
fBestDepth = fDepth;
fBestCenter = fCenter;
fBestrt = fTriangleRadius;
vNormal[0] = vAxis[0];
vNormal[1] = vAxis[1];
vNormal[2] = vAxis[2];
iBestAxis = iAxis;
// flip normal if interval is wrong faced
if (fCenter<0 && !bNoFlip)
vNormal[0] = -vNormal[0];
vNormal[1] = -vNormal[1];
vNormal[2] = -vNormal[2];
fBestCenter = -fCenter;
return TRUE;
// helper for less key strokes
inline void _CalculateAxis(const dVector3& v1,
const dVector3& v2,
const dVector3& v3,
const dVector3& v4,
dVector3& r)
dVector3 t1;
dVector3 t2;
static BOOL _cldTestSeparatingAxesOfCapsule(const dVector3 &v0,
const dVector3 &v1,
const dVector3 &v2,
uint8 flags)
// calculate caps centers in absolute space
dVector3 vCp0;
vCp0[0] = vCapsulePosition[0] + vCapsuleAxis[0]*(fCapsuleSize*REAL(0.5)-vCapsuleRadius);
vCp0[1] = vCapsulePosition[1] + vCapsuleAxis[1]*(fCapsuleSize*REAL(0.5)-vCapsuleRadius);
vCp0[2] = vCapsulePosition[2] + vCapsuleAxis[2]*(fCapsuleSize*REAL(0.5)-vCapsuleRadius);
dVector3 vCp1;
vCp1[0] = vCapsulePosition[0] - vCapsuleAxis[0]*(fCapsuleSize*REAL(0.5)-vCapsuleRadius);
vCp1[1] = vCapsulePosition[1] - vCapsuleAxis[1]*(fCapsuleSize*REAL(0.5)-vCapsuleRadius);
vCp1[2] = vCapsulePosition[2] - vCapsuleAxis[2]*(fCapsuleSize*REAL(0.5)-vCapsuleRadius);
// reset best axis
iBestAxis = 0;
// reset best depth
fBestDepth = -MAX_REAL;
// reset separating axis vector
dVector3 vAxis = {REAL(0.0),REAL(0.0),REAL(0.0),REAL(0.0)};
// Epsilon value for checking axis vector length
const dReal fEpsilon = 1e-6f;
// Translate triangle to Cc cord.
SUBTRACT(v0 , vCapsulePosition, vV0);
SUBTRACT(v1 , vCapsulePosition, vV1);
SUBTRACT(v2 , vCapsulePosition, vV2);
// We begin to test for 19 separating axis now
// I wonder does it help if we employ the method like ISA-GJK???
// Or at least we should do experiment and find what axis will
// be most likely to be separating axis to check it first.
// Original
// axis vN
//vAxis = -vN;
vAxis[0] = - vN[0];
vAxis[1] = - vN[1];
vAxis[2] = - vN[2];
if (!_cldTestAxis( v0, v1, v2, vAxis, 1, TRUE))
return FALSE;
if (flags & dxTriMeshData::kEdge0)
// axis CxE0 - Edge 0
//vAxis = dCROSS( vCapsuleAxis cross vE0 );
if( _length2OfVector3( vAxis ) > fEpsilon ) {
if (!_cldTestAxis( v0, v1, v2, vAxis, 2)) {
return FALSE;
if (flags & dxTriMeshData::kEdge1)
// axis CxE1 - Edge 1
//vAxis = ( vCapsuleAxis cross vE1 );
if(_length2OfVector3( vAxis ) > fEpsilon ) {
if (!_cldTestAxis( v0, v1, v2, vAxis, 3)) {
return FALSE;
if (flags & dxTriMeshData::kEdge2)
// axis CxE2 - Edge 2
//vAxis = ( vCapsuleAxis cross vE2 );
if(_length2OfVector3( vAxis ) > fEpsilon ) {
if (!_cldTestAxis( v0, v1, v2, vAxis, 4)) {
return FALSE;
if (flags & dxTriMeshData::kEdge0)
// first capsule point
// axis ((Cp0-V0) x E0) x E0
// vAxis = ( ( vCp0-v0) cross vE0 ) cross vE0;
if(_length2OfVector3( vAxis ) > fEpsilon ) {
if (!_cldTestAxis( v0, v1, v2, vAxis, 5)) {
return FALSE;
if (flags & dxTriMeshData::kEdge1)
// axis ((Cp0-V1) x E1) x E1
//vAxis = ( ( vCp0-v1) cross vE1 ) cross vE1;
if(_length2OfVector3( vAxis ) > fEpsilon ) {
if (!_cldTestAxis( v0, v1, v2, vAxis, 6)) {
return FALSE;
if (flags & dxTriMeshData::kEdge2)
// axis ((Cp0-V2) x E2) x E2
//vAxis = ( ( vCp0-v2) cross vE2 ) cross vE2;
if(_length2OfVector3( vAxis ) > fEpsilon ) {
if (!_cldTestAxis( v0, v1, v2, vAxis, 7)) {
return FALSE;
if (flags & dxTriMeshData::kEdge0)
// second capsule point
// axis ((Cp1-V0) x E0) x E0
//vAxis = ( ( vCp1-v0 ) cross vE0 ) cross vE0;
if(_length2OfVector3( vAxis ) > fEpsilon ) {
if (!_cldTestAxis( v0, v1, v2, vAxis, 8)) {
return FALSE;
if (flags & dxTriMeshData::kEdge1)
// axis ((Cp1-V1) x E1) x E1
//vAxis = ( ( vCp1-v1 ) cross vE1 ) cross vE1;
if(_length2OfVector3( vAxis ) > fEpsilon ) {
if (!_cldTestAxis( v0, v1, v2, vAxis, 9)) {
return FALSE;
if (flags & dxTriMeshData::kEdge2)
// axis ((Cp1-V2) x E2) x E2
//vAxis = ( ( vCp1-v2 ) cross vE2 ) cross vE2;
if(_length2OfVector3( vAxis ) > fEpsilon ) {
if (!_cldTestAxis( v0, v1, v2, vAxis, 10)) {
return FALSE;
if (flags & dxTriMeshData::kVert0)
// first vertex on triangle
// axis ((V0-Cp0) x C) x C
//vAxis = ( ( v0-vCp0 ) cross vCapsuleAxis ) cross vCapsuleAxis;
if(_length2OfVector3( vAxis ) > fEpsilon ) {
if (!_cldTestAxis( v0, v1, v2, vAxis, 11)) {
return FALSE;
if (flags & dxTriMeshData::kVert1)
// second vertex on triangle
// axis ((V1-Cp0) x C) x C
//vAxis = ( ( v1-vCp0 ) cross vCapsuleAxis ) cross vCapsuleAxis;
if(_length2OfVector3( vAxis ) > fEpsilon ) {
if (!_cldTestAxis( v0, v1, v2, vAxis, 12)) {
return FALSE;
if (flags & dxTriMeshData::kVert2)
// third vertex on triangle
// axis ((V2-Cp0) x C) x C
//vAxis = ( ( v2-vCp0 ) cross vCapsuleAxis ) cross vCapsuleAxis;
if(_length2OfVector3( vAxis ) > fEpsilon ) {
if (!_cldTestAxis( v0, v1, v2, vAxis, 13)) {
return FALSE;
// Test as separating axes direction vectors between each triangle
// edge and each capsule's cap center
if (flags & dxTriMeshData::kVert0)
// first triangle vertex and first capsule point
//vAxis = v0 - vCp0;
if(_length2OfVector3( vAxis ) > fEpsilon ) {
if (!_cldTestAxis( v0, v1, v2, vAxis, 14)) {
return FALSE;
if (flags & dxTriMeshData::kVert1)
// second triangle vertex and first capsule point
//vAxis = v1 - vCp0;
if(_length2OfVector3( vAxis ) > fEpsilon ) {
if (!_cldTestAxis( v0, v1, v2, vAxis, 15)) {
return FALSE;
if (flags & dxTriMeshData::kVert2)
// third triangle vertex and first capsule point
//vAxis = v2 - vCp0;
if(_length2OfVector3( vAxis ) > fEpsilon ) {
if (!_cldTestAxis( v0, v1, v2, vAxis, 16)) {
return FALSE;
if (flags & dxTriMeshData::kVert0)
// first triangle vertex and second capsule point
//vAxis = v0 - vCp1;
if(_length2OfVector3( vAxis ) > fEpsilon ) {
if (!_cldTestAxis( v0, v1, v2, vAxis, 17)) {
return FALSE;
if (flags & dxTriMeshData::kVert1)
// second triangle vertex and second capsule point
//vAxis = v1 - vCp1;
if(_length2OfVector3( vAxis ) > fEpsilon ) {
if (!_cldTestAxis( v0, v1, v2, vAxis, 18)) {
return FALSE;
if (flags & dxTriMeshData::kVert2)
// third triangle vertex and second capsule point
//vAxis = v2 - vCp1;
if(_length2OfVector3( vAxis ) > fEpsilon ) {
if (!_cldTestAxis( v0, v1, v2, vAxis, 19)) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
// test one mesh triangle on intersection with capsule
static void _cldTestOneTriangleVSCapsule( const dVector3 &v0,
const dVector3 &v1,
const dVector3 &v2,
uint8 flags)
// calculate edges
dVector3 _minus_vE0;
// calculate poly normal
// create plane from triangle
dReal plDistance = -dDOT(v0,vN);
dVector4 plTrianglePlane;
// calculate capsule distance to plane
dReal fDistanceCapsuleCenterToPlane = POINTDISTANCE(plTrianglePlane,vCapsulePosition);
// Capsule must be over positive side of triangle
if(fDistanceCapsuleCenterToPlane < 0 /* && !bDoubleSided*/)
// if not don't generate contacts
dVector3 vPnt0;
SET (vPnt0,v0);
dVector3 vPnt1;
SET (vPnt1,v1);
dVector3 vPnt2;
SET (vPnt2,v2);
if (fDistanceCapsuleCenterToPlane < 0 )
SET (vPnt0,v0);
SET (vPnt1,v2);
SET (vPnt2,v1);
// do intersection test and find best separating axis
if(!_cldTestSeparatingAxesOfCapsule(vPnt0, vPnt1, vPnt2, flags) )
// if not found do nothing
// if best separation axis is not found
if ( iBestAxis == 0 )
// this should not happen (we should already exit in that case)
// do nothing
// calculate caps centers in absolute space
dVector3 vCposTrans;
vCposTrans[0] = vCapsulePosition[0] + vNormal[0]*vCapsuleRadius;
vCposTrans[1] = vCapsulePosition[1] + vNormal[1]*vCapsuleRadius;
vCposTrans[2] = vCapsulePosition[2] + vNormal[2]*vCapsuleRadius;
dVector3 vCEdgePoint0;
vCEdgePoint0[0] = vCposTrans[0] + vCapsuleAxis[0]*(fCapsuleSize*REAL(0.5)-vCapsuleRadius);
vCEdgePoint0[1] = vCposTrans[1] + vCapsuleAxis[1]*(fCapsuleSize*REAL(0.5)-vCapsuleRadius);
vCEdgePoint0[2] = vCposTrans[2] + vCapsuleAxis[2]*(fCapsuleSize*REAL(0.5)-vCapsuleRadius);
dVector3 vCEdgePoint1;
vCEdgePoint1[0] = vCposTrans[0] - vCapsuleAxis[0]*(fCapsuleSize*REAL(0.5)-vCapsuleRadius);
vCEdgePoint1[1] = vCposTrans[1] - vCapsuleAxis[1]*(fCapsuleSize*REAL(0.5)-vCapsuleRadius);
vCEdgePoint1[2] = vCposTrans[2] - vCapsuleAxis[2]*(fCapsuleSize*REAL(0.5)-vCapsuleRadius);
// transform capsule edge points into triangle space
vCEdgePoint0[0] -= vPnt0[0];
vCEdgePoint0[1] -= vPnt0[1];
vCEdgePoint0[2] -= vPnt0[2];
vCEdgePoint1[0] -= vPnt0[0];
vCEdgePoint1[1] -= vPnt0[1];
vCEdgePoint1[2] -= vPnt0[2];
dVector4 plPlane;
dVector3 _minus_vN;
_minus_vN[0] = -vN[0];
_minus_vN[1] = -vN[1];
_minus_vN[2] = -vN[2];
// triangle plane
//plPlane = Plane4f( -vN, 0);
if(!_cldClipEdgeToPlane( vCEdgePoint0, vCEdgePoint1, plPlane ))
// plane with edge 0
dVector3 vTemp;
CONSTRUCTPLANE(plPlane, vTemp, 1e-5f);
if(!_cldClipEdgeToPlane( vCEdgePoint0, vCEdgePoint1, plPlane ))
CONSTRUCTPLANE(plPlane, vTemp, -(dDOT(vE0,vTemp)-1e-5f));
if(!_cldClipEdgeToPlane( vCEdgePoint0, vCEdgePoint1, plPlane ))
CONSTRUCTPLANE(plPlane, vTemp, 1e-5f);
if(!_cldClipEdgeToPlane( vCEdgePoint0, vCEdgePoint1, plPlane )) {
// return capsule edge points into absolute space
vCEdgePoint0[0] += vPnt0[0];
vCEdgePoint0[1] += vPnt0[1];
vCEdgePoint0[2] += vPnt0[2];
vCEdgePoint1[0] += vPnt0[0];
vCEdgePoint1[1] += vPnt0[1];
vCEdgePoint1[2] += vPnt0[2];
// calculate depths for both contact points
dReal fDepth0 = dDOT(vTemp,vNormal) - (fBestCenter-fBestrt);
dReal fDepth1 = dDOT(vTemp,vNormal) - (fBestCenter-fBestrt);
// clamp depths to zero
if(fDepth0 < 0)
fDepth0 = 0.0f;
if(fDepth1 < 0 )
fDepth1 = 0.0f;
// Cached contacts's data
// contact 0
if (ctContacts < (iFlags & NUMC_MASK)) {
gLocalContacts[ctContacts].fDepth = fDepth0;
gLocalContacts[ctContacts].nFlags = 1;
if (ctContacts < (iFlags & NUMC_MASK)) {
// contact 1
gLocalContacts[ctContacts].fDepth = fDepth1;
gLocalContacts[ctContacts].nFlags = 1;
// capsule - trimesh by CroTeam
// Ported by Nguyem Binh
int dCollideCCTL(dxGeom *o1, dxGeom *o2, int flags, dContactGeom *contact, int skip)
dxTriMesh* TriMesh = (dxTriMesh*)o1;
gCylinder = o2;
gTriMesh = o1;
const dMatrix3* pRot = (const dMatrix3*) dGeomGetRotation(gCylinder);
const dVector3* pDst = (const dVector3*)dGeomGetPosition(gCylinder);
vCapsuleAxis[0] = mCapsuleRotation[0*4 + nCAPSULE_AXIS];
vCapsuleAxis[1] = mCapsuleRotation[1*4 + nCAPSULE_AXIS];
vCapsuleAxis[2] = mCapsuleRotation[2*4 + nCAPSULE_AXIS];
// Get size of Capsule
fCapsuleSize += 2*vCapsuleRadius;
const dMatrix3* pTriRot = (const dMatrix3*)dGeomGetRotation(TriMesh);
const dVector3* pTriPos = (const dVector3*)dGeomGetPosition(TriMesh);
// global info for contact creation
iStride =skip;
iFlags =flags;
ContactGeoms =contact;
// reset contact counter
ctContacts = 0;
// reset best depth
fBestDepth = - MAX_REAL;
fBestCenter = 0;
fBestrt = 0;
// reset collision normal
vNormal[0] = REAL(0.0);
vNormal[1] = REAL(0.0);
vNormal[2] = REAL(0.0);
// Will it better to use LSS here? -> confirm Pierre.
OBBCollider& Collider = TriMesh->_OBBCollider;
Point cCenter((float) vCapsulePosition[0],(float) vCapsulePosition[1],(float) vCapsulePosition[2]);
Point cExtents((float) vCapsuleRadius,(float) vCapsuleRadius,(float) fCapsuleSize/2);
Matrix3x3 obbRot;
obbRot[0][0] = (float) mCapsuleRotation[0];
obbRot[1][0] = (float) mCapsuleRotation[1];
obbRot[2][0] = (float) mCapsuleRotation[2];
obbRot[0][1] = (float) mCapsuleRotation[4];
obbRot[1][1] = (float) mCapsuleRotation[5];
obbRot[2][1] = (float) mCapsuleRotation[6];
obbRot[0][2] = (float) mCapsuleRotation[8];
obbRot[1][2] = (float) mCapsuleRotation[9];
obbRot[2][2] = (float) mCapsuleRotation[10];
OBB obbCapsule(cCenter,cExtents,obbRot);
Matrix4x4 CapsuleMatrix;
MakeMatrix(vCapsulePosition, mCapsuleRotation, CapsuleMatrix);
Matrix4x4 MeshMatrix;
MakeMatrix(mTriMeshPos, mTriMeshRot, MeshMatrix);
// TC results
if (TriMesh->doBoxTC) {
dxTriMesh::BoxTC* BoxTC = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < TriMesh->BoxTCCache.size(); i++){
if (TriMesh->BoxTCCache[i].Geom == gCylinder){
BoxTC = &TriMesh->BoxTCCache[i];
if (!BoxTC){
BoxTC = &TriMesh->BoxTCCache[TriMesh->BoxTCCache.size() - 1];
BoxTC->Geom = gCylinder;
BoxTC->FatCoeff = 1.0f;
// Intersect
Collider.Collide(*BoxTC, obbCapsule, TriMesh->Data->BVTree, null, &MeshMatrix);
else {
Collider.Collide(dxTriMesh::defaultBoxCache, obbCapsule, TriMesh->Data->BVTree, null,&MeshMatrix);
if (! Collider.GetContactStatus()) {
// no collision occurred
return 0;
// Retrieve data
int TriCount = Collider.GetNbTouchedPrimitives();
const int* Triangles = (const int*)Collider.GetTouchedPrimitives();
if (TriCount != 0)
if (TriMesh->ArrayCallback != null)
TriMesh->ArrayCallback(TriMesh, gCylinder, Triangles, TriCount);
// allocate buffer for local contacts on stack
gLocalContacts = (sLocalContactData*)dALLOCA16(sizeof(sLocalContactData)*(iFlags & NUMC_MASK));
unsigned int ctContacts0 = ctContacts;
uint8* UseFlags = TriMesh->Data->UseFlags;
// loop through all intersecting triangles
for (int i = 0; i < TriCount; i++)
if(ctContacts>=(iFlags & NUMC_MASK))
const int& Triint = Triangles[i];
if (!Callback(TriMesh, gCylinder, Triint)) continue;
dVector3 dv[3];
FetchTriangle(TriMesh, Triint, mTriMeshPos, mTriMeshRot, dv);
uint8 flags = UseFlags ? UseFlags[Triint] : dxTriMeshData::kUseAll;
// test this triangle
_cldTestOneTriangleVSCapsule(dv[0],dv[1],dv[2], flags);
// fill-in tri index for generated contacts
for (; ctContacts0<ctContacts; ctContacts0++)
gLocalContacts[ctContacts0].triIndex = Triint;
return _ProcessLocalContacts();
// GIMPACT version
#define nCAPSULE_AXIS 2
// capsule - trimesh By francisco leon
int dCollideCCTL(dxGeom *o1, dxGeom *o2, int flags, dContactGeom *contact, int skip)
dxTriMesh* TriMesh = (dxTriMesh*)o1;
dxGeom* gCylinder = o2;
//Get capsule params
dMatrix3 mCapsuleRotation;
dVector3 vCapsulePosition;
dVector3 vCapsuleAxis;
dReal vCapsuleRadius;
dReal fCapsuleSize;
dMatrix3* pRot = (dMatrix3*) dGeomGetRotation(gCylinder);
dVector3* pDst = (dVector3*)dGeomGetPosition(gCylinder);
vCapsuleAxis[0] = mCapsuleRotation[0*4 + nCAPSULE_AXIS];
vCapsuleAxis[1] = mCapsuleRotation[1*4 + nCAPSULE_AXIS];
vCapsuleAxis[2] = mCapsuleRotation[2*4 + nCAPSULE_AXIS];
// Get size of CCylinder
//Set Capsule params
capsule.m_radius = vCapsuleRadius;
//Create contact list
GDYNAMIC_ARRAY trimeshcontacts;
//Collide trimeshe vs capsule
if(trimeshcontacts.m_size == 0)
return 0;
GIM_CONTACT * ptrimeshcontacts = GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER(GIM_CONTACT,trimeshcontacts);
dContactGeom* pcontact;
int contactcount = 0;
unsigned i;
for (i=0;i<trimeshcontacts.m_size;i++)
if(contactcount < (flags & 0xffff))
pcontact = SAFECONTACT(flags, contact, contactcount, skip);
pcontact->pos[0] = ptrimeshcontacts->m_point[0];
pcontact->pos[1] = ptrimeshcontacts->m_point[1];
pcontact->pos[2] = ptrimeshcontacts->m_point[2];
pcontact->pos[3] = 1.0f;
pcontact->normal[0] = ptrimeshcontacts->m_normal[0];
pcontact->normal[1] = ptrimeshcontacts->m_normal[1];
pcontact->normal[2] = ptrimeshcontacts->m_normal[2];
pcontact->normal[3] = 0;
pcontact->depth = ptrimeshcontacts->m_depth;
pcontact->g1 = TriMesh;
pcontact->g2 = gCylinder;
return contactcount;