#include "FontManager.h" #include "RenderDevice.h" // project includes #include "Utilities/Buffer.h" #include "Utilities/Log.h" #include "Utilities/format.h" // library includes #include "physfs.h" #include "FTGLTextureFont.h" // system includes #include using namespace std; #include "FontManagerDefaultFont.h" namespace BlueCore { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FontManager::FontManager(RenderDevice* device) : _Device(device) { // create default font FTFont *ftfont = new FTGLTextureFont ( DefaultFontBytes, sizeof ( DefaultFontBytes ), false ); ftfont->FaceSize( 16); _DefaultFont = new Font( ftfont, 0, device ); if (_Device.valid()) _Device->DeviceShutdownSignal.connect(this, &FontManager::DeviceShutdownSlot); clog << ">>> FontManager constructed..."<< endline; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FontManager::~FontManager() { destroy(); clog << ">>> FontManager destructed..."<< endline; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void FontManager::DeviceShutdownSlot() { destroy(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void FontManager::destroy() { FontMap::iterator i; for (i = _fonts.begin(); i != _fonts.end(); i++) { if (i->second.valid()) i->second->destroy(); } _DefaultFont = 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Font *FontManager::loadFont(const std::string &filename, int size, bool hinting) { string key = format("%s-%d", filename.c_str(), size); // check if this font is already loaded FontMap::const_iterator result; result = _fonts.find(key); if (result != _fonts.end() && result->second.valid()) { return result->second.get(); } Font *font; PHYSFS_file *file = PHYSFS_openRead(filename.c_str() ); if (file) { unsigned int file_size = PHYSFS_fileLength(file); unsigned char *buffer = new unsigned char[file_size]; PHYSFS_read(file, buffer, 1, file_size); PHYSFS_close(file); // create the font FTFont *ftfont = new FTGLTextureFont ( buffer, file_size, hinting ); ftfont->FaceSize(size); if (ftfont->Error() == 0) { font = new Font( ftfont, buffer, _Device.get() ); clog << ">>> Font '"<< filename << "' ("<< size << ") loaded" << endline; } else { delete ftfont; clog << "!!! Font '"<< filename << "' could not be loaded" << endline; font = new Font(); } } else { clog << "!!! Font '"<< filename << "' not found"<< endline; font = new Font(); } _fonts[key] = font; return font; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Font *FontManager::getDefaultFont() { return _DefaultFont.get(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Font::Font() { _Font = 0; _Buffer = 0; clog << ">>> Font constructed..."<< endline; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Font::Font(FTFont *font, unsigned char *buffer, RenderDevice* device) : _Font(font), _Buffer(buffer), _Device(device) { clog << ">>> Font constructed..."<< endline; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Font::~Font() { destroy(); clog << ">>> Font destructed..."<< endline; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Font::destroy() { delete _Font; delete [] _Buffer; clog << ">>> Font destroyed..."<< endline; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Font::print(float x, float y, const std::string &text, int halign, int valign) const { if (_Font == 0) return; if (_Device.valid() == false) return; _Device->begin2D(); if (x < 0.0) x += _Device->getViewportWidth(); else if (x <= 1.0) x *= _Device->getViewportWidth(); if (halign == 0) x -= _Font->Advance(text.c_str() ) / 2; else if (halign == -1) x -= _Font->Advance(text.c_str() ); if (y < 0.0) y += _Device->getViewportHeight(); else if (y <= 1.0) y *= _Device->getViewportHeight(); y -= _Font->Descender(); if (valign == 0) y -= _Font->LineHeight() / 2; else if (valign == -1) y -= _Font->LineHeight(); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glPushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); glTranslatef(x, y, 0); _Font->Render(text.c_str() ); glPopMatrix(); _Device->end2D(); } } // namespace BlueCore