619 lines
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619 lines
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#include "RigidBodySimulation.h"
// local includes
//#include "scriptsystem.h"
// library includes
#include "Utilities/StringUtilities.h"
#include "Utilities/Log.h"
//#include "Utilities/xmlconfig.h"
// system includes
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
namespace BlueCore
static RigidBodySimulation* gRigidBodySimulation;
RigidBody::RigidBody(RigidBodySimulation* simulation, dWorldID world,
dSpaceID space) :
_Body( 0), _Space( 0), _Simulation(simulation)
_Body = dBodyCreate(world);
_Space = dHashSpaceCreate(space);
dHashSpaceSetLevels(_Space, -10, 10);
dBodySetData(_Body, this);
clog << ">>> RigidBody constructed..."<< endlog;
std::vector<CollisionMesh>::iterator iter;
for (iter = _CollisionMeshes.begin(); iter != _CollisionMeshes.end(); iter++)
clog << ">>> RigidBody destructed..."<< endlog;
const Vector3 &RigidBody::getPosition() const
return _Position;
void RigidBody::setPosition(const Vector3 &v)
dBodySetPosition(_Body, v.x, v.y, v.z);
_Position = v;
const Vector3 &RigidBody::getLinearVelocity() const
return _LinearVelocity;
void RigidBody::setLinearVelocity(const Vector3 &v)
dBodySetLinearVel(_Body, v.x, v.y, v.z);
_LinearVelocity = v;
const Quaternion &RigidBody::getOrientation() const
return _Orientation;
void RigidBody::setOrientation(const Quaternion &q)
dBodySetQuaternion(_Body, ( const dQuaternion & ) q );
_Orientation = q;
const Vector3 &RigidBody::getAngularVelocity() const
return _AngularVelocity;
void RigidBody::applyGlobalForce(const Vector3 &force, const Vector3 &point)
dBodyAddForceAtPos(_Body, force.x, force.y, force.z, point.x, point.y,
void RigidBody::applyGlobalForce(const Vector3 &force)
dBodyAddForce(_Body, force.x, force.y, force.z);
void RigidBody::applyLocalForce(const Vector3 &force, const Vector3 &point)
if (point.isZero() )
dBodyAddRelForce(_Body, force.x, force.y, force.z);
dBodyAddRelForceAtRelPos(_Body, force.x, force.y, force.z, point.x,
point.y, point.z);
void RigidBody::applyLocalForce(const Vector3 &force)
dBodyAddRelForce(_Body, force.x, force.y, force.z);
Scalar RigidBody::getMass() const
dMass m;
dBodyGetMass(_Body, &m);
return m.mass;
void RigidBody::saveState()
// save position
const Scalar *p = dBodyGetPosition(_Body);
_Position.x = p[0];
_Position.y = p[1];
_Position.z = p[2];
// save linear velocity
const Scalar *v = dBodyGetLinearVel(_Body);
_LinearVelocity.x = v[0];
_LinearVelocity.y = v[1];
_LinearVelocity.z = v[2];
// save orientation
const Scalar *q = dBodyGetQuaternion(_Body);
_Orientation.w = q[0];
_Orientation.x = q[1];
_Orientation.y = q[2];
_Orientation.z = q[3];
// save angular velocity
const Scalar *a = dBodyGetAngularVel(_Body);
_AngularVelocity.x = a[0];
_AngularVelocity.y = a[1];
_AngularVelocity.z = a[2];
unsigned int RigidBody::addCollisionMesh(const std::string &meshname,
Scalar density)
if (_Simulation.valid() == false)
return 0;
const RigidBodySimulation::Trimesh *trimesh =
if (trimesh)
CollisionMesh collisionmesh;
collisionmesh.trimeshdata = dGeomTriMeshDataCreate();
trimesh->vertices.const_data(), 3 * sizeof(float),
trimesh->vertices.count() / 3, trimesh->indices.const_data(),
trimesh->indices.count(), 3 * sizeof(int));
collisionmesh.geom = dCreateTriMesh(_Space, collisionmesh.trimeshdata,
0, 0, 0);
dGeomSetBody(collisionmesh.geom, _Body);
dMass mass;
dMassSetTrimesh( &mass, density, collisionmesh.geom);
//dMassSetBox( &mass, density, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0 );
dBodySetMass(_Body, &mass);
return _CollisionMeshes.size();
return 0;
void RigidBody::setCollisionMeshPosition(unsigned int geom,
const Vector3 &position)
if ( (geom > 0) && (geom <= _CollisionMeshes.size() ))
dGeomSetOffsetPosition(_CollisionMeshes[geom-1].geom, position.x,
position.y, position.z);
void RigidBody::setCollisionMeshRotation(unsigned int geom,
const Quaternion &rotation)
if ( (geom > 0) && (geom <= _CollisionMeshes.size() ))
( dReal * ) &rotation );
void RigidBody::getCollisionMeshPosition(unsigned int geom, Vector3 &position)
if ( (geom > 0) && (geom <= _CollisionMeshes.size() ))
const Scalar*p = dGeomGetOffsetPosition(_CollisionMeshes[geom-1].geom);
position.x = p[0];
position.y = p[1];
position.z = p[2];
void RigidBody::getCollisionMeshRotation(unsigned int geom,
Quaternion &rotation)
if ( (geom > 0) && (geom <= _CollisionMeshes.size() ))
( dReal * ) &rotation );
void RigidBody::enableCollisionMesh(unsigned int geom)
if ( (geom > 0) && (geom <= _CollisionMeshes.size() ))
void RigidBody::disableCollisionMesh(unsigned int geom)
if ( (geom > 0) && (geom <= _CollisionMeshes.size() ))
unsigned int RigidBody::getCollisionMeshId(dGeomID geom)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _CollisionMeshes.size(); i++)
if (_CollisionMeshes[i].geom == geom)
return i + 1;
return 0;
HSQOBJECT RigidBody::getCollisionHandler()
return _CollisionHandler;
void RigidBody::setCollisionHandler(HSQOBJECT handler)
_CollisionHandler = handler;
RigidBodySimulation::RigidBodySimulation(ScriptSystem *scriptsystem) :
_world( 0), _space( 0), _contactgroup( 0), _delta( 0.0), _steps( 0),
gRigidBodySimulation = this;
//XmlConfig config("config.xml");
clog << ">>> initialize RigidBodySimulation..."<< endline;
Scalar erp = 1.0, cfm = 0.0;
_stepSize = 0.02;
_maxContacts = 5;
config.getDouble("RigidBodySimulation", "ERP", erp, 1.0);
config.getDouble("RigidBodySimulation", "CFM", cfm, 0.0);
config.getDouble("RigidBodySimulation", "StepSize", _stepSize, 0.02);
config.getInt("RigidBodySimulation", "MaxContacts", _maxContacts, 5);
// sanity check
if (erp > 1.0)
erp = 1.0;
else if (erp < 0.0001)
erp = 0.0001;
clog << " ERP: "<< erp << endline;
// sanity check
if (cfm > 1.0)
cfm = 1.0;
else if (cfm < 0.0)
cfm = 0.0;
clog << " CFM: "<< cfm << endline;
// sanity check
if (_stepSize < 0.0001)
_stepSize = 0.0001;
else if (_stepSize > 1.0)
_stepSize = 1.0;
clog << " step size: "<< _stepSize << endline;
// sanity check
if (_maxContacts < 1)
_maxContacts = 1;
else if (_maxContacts > 500)
_maxContacts = 500;
clog << " max counts: "<< _maxContacts << endline;
_world = dWorldCreate();
dWorldSetERP(_world, erp);
dWorldSetCFM(_world, cfm);
_space = dHashSpaceCreate( 0);
dHashSpaceSetLevels(_space, -10, 10);
_contactgroup = dJointGroupCreate( 0);
// Bullet
btVector3 worldAabbMin(-100000,-100000,-100000);
btVector3 worldAabbMax(100000,100000,100000);
btOverlappingPairCache* broadphase = new btAxisSweep3(worldAabbMin,worldAabbMax,32766);
btCollisionDispatcher* dispatcher = new btCollisionDispatcher();
btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver* solver = new btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver();
_World = new btDiscreteDynamicsWorld(dispatcher,broadphase,solver);
if (_contactgroup)
if (_space)
if (_world)
std::map<std::string, Trimesh *>::iterator iter;
for (iter = _Trimeshes.begin(); iter != _Trimeshes.end(); iter++)
Trimesh *trimesh = iter->second;
if (trimesh)
delete trimesh;
gRigidBodySimulation = 0;
clog << ">>> RigidBodySimulation destructed ..."<< endline;
RigidBody *RigidBodySimulation::createRigidBody()
RigidBody *rigidBody = new RigidBody ( this, _world, _space );
return rigidBody;
void RigidBodySimulation::deleteRigidBody(RigidBody *rigidBody)
clog << ">>> delete rigid body" << endline;
delete rigidBody;
void RigidBodySimulation::removeAll()
std::list<RigidBody *>::iterator i;
for (i = _bodies.begin(); i != _bodies.end(); i++)
delete *i;
void RigidBodySimulation::saveStates()
std::list<RigidBody *>::iterator i;
for (i = _bodies.begin(); i != _bodies.end(); i++)
( *i )->saveState();
void RigidBodySimulation::nearCallback(void *data, dGeomID o1, dGeomID o2)
if (gRigidBodySimulation == 0)
if (dGeomIsSpace(o1) && dGeomIsSpace(o2) )
// colliding a space with something
dSpaceCollide2(o1, o2, data, &nearCallback);
// collide all geoms internal to the space(s)
if( dGeomIsSpace(o1) )
dSpaceCollide( (dxSpace *)o1, data, &nearCallback );
if( dGeomIsSpace(o2) )
dSpaceCollide( (dxSpace *)o2, data,&nearCallback );
static Buffer<dContact> contacts;
if (contacts.count() == 0)
dBodyID b1, b2;
b1 = dGeomGetBody(o1);
b2 = dGeomGetBody(o2);
// exit without doing anything if the two bodies are connected by a joint
if (b1 && b2 && dAreConnected(b1, b2) )
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < contacts.count(); i++)
contacts[i].surface.mode = 0; //dContactBounce;
contacts[i].surface.mu = 1.0;
contacts[i].surface.mu2 = 0;
contacts[i].surface.bounce = 0.1;
contacts[i].surface.bounce_vel = 0.1;
contacts[i].surface.soft_cfm = 0.01;
unsigned int collisions = dCollide(o1, o2, contacts.count(),
&contacts[0].geom, sizeof(dContact));
//clog << "collide" << endline;
unsigned int actual_collisions = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < collisions; i++)
clog << "depth: "<< contacts[i].geom.depth<< endline;
dJointID joint = dJointCreateContact(gRigidBodySimulation->_world,
gRigidBodySimulation->_contactgroup, &contacts[i]);
dJointAttach(joint, b1, b2);
if ( collisions == contacts.count() )
clog << "!!! Max collisions reached!" << endline;
if (collisions > 0)
//clog << "rbsim handle collision" << endline;
//ScriptManager::getSingleton()->handleCollision ( o1, o2 );
int RigidBodySimulation::getSteps()
return _steps;
Scalar RigidBodySimulation::getStepSize()
return _stepSize;
int RigidBodySimulation::getMaxContacts()
return _maxContacts;
void RigidBodySimulation::updateSteps(Scalar delta)
_delta += delta;
if (_delta < 0.0)
_steps = ( int ) floor(_delta / _stepSize);
if (_steps > 10)
_steps = 10;
_delta -= _steps * _stepSize;
bool RigidBodySimulation::step()
if (_steps > 0)
_ScriptSystem->callFunction("OnStep", _stepSize);
dSpaceCollide(_space, 0, &nearCallback);
dWorldQuickStep(_world, _stepSize);
if (_steps > 0)
return true;
return false;
const RigidBodySimulation::Trimesh *RigidBodySimulation::getTrimesh(
const std::string &name)
Trimesh *trimesh = 0;
std::map<std::string, Trimesh *>::const_iterator result;
result = _Trimeshes.find(name);
if (result != _Trimeshes.end() )
trimesh = result->second;
if ( trimesh == 0 )
MeshLoader loader;
clog << ">>> loading collision trimesh: " << name << endline;
loader.load ( name + ".3ds" );
if ( loader.objects().count() > 0 )
trimesh = new Trimesh();
MeshLoader::Object &object = loader.objects().item ( 0 );
clog << " " << object.vertices.count() << " Vertices" << endline;
trimesh->vertices.create ( object.vertices.count() * 3 );
clog << " " << object.faces.count() * 3 << " Indices" << endline;
trimesh->indices.create ( object.faces.count() * 3 );
unsigned int i;
for ( i = 0; i < object.vertices.count(); i++ )
trimesh->vertices[i*3] = -object.vertices[i].x;
trimesh->vertices[i*3+1] = object.vertices[i].y;
trimesh->vertices[i*3+2] = object.vertices[i].z;
for ( i = 0; i < object.faces.count(); i++ )
trimesh->indices[i*3] = object.faces[i].a;
trimesh->indices[i*3+2] = object.faces[i].b;
trimesh->indices[i*3+1] = object.faces[i].c;
_Trimeshes[name] = trimesh;
return trimesh;
} // namespace BlueCore