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// GLFW - An OpenGL framework
// File: platform.h
// Platform: Mac OS X
// API Version: 2.6
// WWW: http://glfw.sourceforge.net
// Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Camilla Berglund
// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
// arising from the use of this software.
// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
// freely, subject to the following restrictions:
// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
// claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
// in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would
// be appreciated but is not required.
// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not
// be misrepresented as being the original software.
// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
// distribution.
// $Id: platform.h,v 1.16 2007/03/15 03:20:20 elmindreda Exp $
#ifndef _platform_h_
#define _platform_h_
// This is the Mac OS X version of GLFW
#define _GLFW_MAC_OS_X
// Include files
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#include <OpenGL/OpenGL.h>
#include <AGL/agl.h>
#include <sched.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#include "../../include/GL/glfw.h"
// Defines
#define _GLFW_MAX_PATH_LENGTH (8192)
#define MAC_KEY_ENTER 0x24
#define MAC_KEY_RETURN 0x34
#define MAC_KEY_ESC 0x35
#define MAC_KEY_F1 0x7A
#define MAC_KEY_F2 0x78
#define MAC_KEY_F3 0x63
#define MAC_KEY_F4 0x76
#define MAC_KEY_F5 0x60
#define MAC_KEY_F6 0x61
#define MAC_KEY_F7 0x62
#define MAC_KEY_F8 0x64
#define MAC_KEY_F9 0x65
#define MAC_KEY_F10 0x6D
#define MAC_KEY_F11 0x67
#define MAC_KEY_F12 0x6F
#define MAC_KEY_F13 0x69
#define MAC_KEY_F14 0x6B
#define MAC_KEY_F15 0x71
#define MAC_KEY_UP 0x7E
#define MAC_KEY_DOWN 0x7D
#define MAC_KEY_LEFT 0x7B
#define MAC_KEY_RIGHT 0x7C
#define MAC_KEY_TAB 0x30
#define MAC_KEY_BACKSPACE 0x33
#define MAC_KEY_HELP 0x72
#define MAC_KEY_DEL 0x75
#define MAC_KEY_PAGEUP 0x74
#define MAC_KEY_PAGEDOWN 0x79
#define MAC_KEY_HOME 0x73
#define MAC_KEY_END 0x77
#define MAC_KEY_KP_0 0x52
#define MAC_KEY_KP_1 0x53
#define MAC_KEY_KP_2 0x54
#define MAC_KEY_KP_3 0x55
#define MAC_KEY_KP_4 0x56
#define MAC_KEY_KP_5 0x57
#define MAC_KEY_KP_6 0x58
#define MAC_KEY_KP_7 0x59
#define MAC_KEY_KP_8 0x5B
#define MAC_KEY_KP_9 0x5C
#define MAC_KEY_KP_DIVIDE 0x4B
#define MAC_KEY_KP_MULTIPLY 0x43
#define MAC_KEY_KP_ADD 0x45
#define MAC_KEY_KP_DECIMAL 0x41
#define MAC_KEY_KP_EQUAL 0x51
#define MAC_KEY_KP_ENTER 0x4C
// full-screen/desktop-window "virtual" function table
typedef int ( * GLFWmacopenwindowfun )( int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int );
typedef void ( * GLFWmacclosewindowfun )( void );
typedef void ( * GLFWmacsetwindowtitlefun )( const char * );
typedef void ( * GLFWmacsetwindowsizefun )( int, int );
typedef void ( * GLFWmacsetwindowposfun )( int, int );
typedef void ( * GLFWmaciconifywindowfun )( void );
typedef void ( * GLFWmacrestorewindowfun )( void );
typedef void ( * GLFWmacrefreshwindowparamsfun )( void );
typedef void ( * GLFWmacsetmousecursorposfun )( int, int );
typedef struct
GLFWmacopenwindowfun OpenWindow;
GLFWmacclosewindowfun CloseWindow;
GLFWmacsetwindowtitlefun SetWindowTitle;
GLFWmacsetwindowsizefun SetWindowSize;
GLFWmacsetwindowposfun SetWindowPos;
GLFWmaciconifywindowfun IconifyWindow;
GLFWmacrestorewindowfun RestoreWindow;
GLFWmacrefreshwindowparamsfun RefreshWindowParams;
GLFWmacsetmousecursorposfun SetMouseCursorPos;
// Global variables (GLFW internals)
GLFWGLOBAL CFDictionaryRef _glfwDesktopVideoMode;
// Window structure
typedef struct _GLFWwin_struct _GLFWwin;
struct _GLFWwin_struct {
// ========= PLATFORM INDEPENDENT MANDATORY PART =========================
// Window states
int Opened; // Flag telling if window is opened or not
int Active; // Application active flag
int Iconified; // Window iconified flag
// User callback functions
GLFWwindowsizefun WindowSizeCallback;
GLFWwindowclosefun WindowCloseCallback;
GLFWwindowrefreshfun WindowRefreshCallback;
GLFWmousebuttonfun MouseButtonCallback;
GLFWmouseposfun MousePosCallback;
GLFWmousewheelfun MouseWheelCallback;
GLFWkeyfun KeyCallback;
GLFWcharfun CharCallback;
// User selected window settings
int Fullscreen; // Fullscreen flag
int MouseLock; // Mouse-lock flag
int AutoPollEvents; // Auto polling flag
int SysKeysDisabled; // System keys disabled flag
int RefreshRate; // Refresh rate (for fullscreen mode)
int WindowNoResize; // Resize- and maximize gadgets disabled flag
int Samples;
// Window status
int Width, Height; // Window width and heigth
// Extensions & OpenGL version
int Has_GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap;
int Has_GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two;
int GLVerMajor,GLVerMinor;
// ========= PLATFORM SPECIFIC PART ======================================
WindowRef MacWindow;
AGLContext AGLContext;
CGLContextObj CGLContext;
EventHandlerUPP MouseUPP;
EventHandlerUPP CommandUPP;
EventHandlerUPP KeyboardUPP;
EventHandlerUPP WindowUPP;
_GLFWmacwindowfunctions* WindowFunctions;
// for easy access by _glfwPlatformGetWindowParam
int Accelerated;
int RedBits, GreenBits, BlueBits, AlphaBits;
int DepthBits;
int StencilBits;
int AccumRedBits, AccumGreenBits, AccumBlueBits, AccumAlphaBits;
int AuxBuffers;
int Stereo;
// User input status (some of this should go in _GLFWwin)
// ========= PLATFORM INDEPENDENT MANDATORY PART =========================
// Mouse status
int MousePosX, MousePosY;
int WheelPos;
char MouseButton[ GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_LAST+1 ];
// Keyboard status
char Key[ GLFW_KEY_LAST+1 ];
int LastChar;
// User selected settings
int StickyKeys;
int StickyMouseButtons;
int KeyRepeat;
// ========= PLATFORM SPECIFIC PART ======================================
UInt32 Modifiers;
} _glfwInput;
// Thread information
typedef struct _GLFWthread_struct _GLFWthread;
// Thread record (one for each thread)
struct _GLFWthread_struct {
// Pointer to previous and next threads in linked list
_GLFWthread *Previous, *Next;
// GLFW user side thread information
GLFWthread ID;
GLFWthreadfun Function;
// System side thread information
pthread_t PosixID;
// General thread information
// Critical section lock
pthread_mutex_t CriticalSection;
// Next thread ID to use (increments for every created thread)
GLFWthread NextID;
// First thread in linked list (always the main thread)
_GLFWthread First;
} _glfwThrd;
// Library global data
// Timer data
struct {
double t0;
} Timer;
struct {
// Bundle for dynamically-loading extension function pointers
CFBundleRef OpenGLFramework;
} Libs;
} _glfwLibrary;
// Macros for encapsulating critical code sections (i.e. making parts
// of GLFW thread safe)
// Define so we can use the same thread code as X11
#define _glfw_numprocessors(n) { \
int mib[2], ncpu; \
size_t len = 1; \
mib[0] = CTL_HW; \
mib[1] = HW_NCPU; \
n = 1; \
if( sysctl( mib, 2, &ncpu, &len, NULL, 0 ) != -1 ) \
{ \
if( len > 0 ) \
{ \
n = ncpu; \
} \
} \
// Thread list management
pthread_mutex_lock( &_glfwThrd.CriticalSection );
pthread_mutex_unlock( &_glfwThrd.CriticalSection );
// Prototypes for platform specific internal functions
int _glfwChangeToResourcesDirectory( void );
int _glfwInstallEventHandlers( void );
// Prototypes for full-screen/desktop-window "virtual" functions
int _glfwMacFSOpenWindow( int width, int height, int redbits, int greenbits, int bluebits, int alphabits, int depthbits, int stencilbits, int accumredbits, int accumgreenbits, int accumbluebits, int accumalphabits, int auxbuffers, int stereo, int refreshrate );
void _glfwMacFSCloseWindow( void );
void _glfwMacFSSetWindowTitle( const char *title );
void _glfwMacFSSetWindowSize( int width, int height );
void _glfwMacFSSetWindowPos( int x, int y );
void _glfwMacFSIconifyWindow( void );
void _glfwMacFSRestoreWindow( void );
void _glfwMacFSRefreshWindowParams( void );
void _glfwMacFSSetMouseCursorPos( int x, int y );
int _glfwMacDWOpenWindow( int width, int height, int redbits, int greenbits, int bluebits, int alphabits, int depthbits, int stencilbits, int accumredbits, int accumgreenbits, int accumbluebits, int accumalphabits, int auxbuffers, int stereo, int refreshrate );
void _glfwMacDWCloseWindow( void );
void _glfwMacDWSetWindowTitle( const char *title );
void _glfwMacDWSetWindowSize( int width, int height );
void _glfwMacDWSetWindowPos( int x, int y );
void _glfwMacDWIconifyWindow( void );
void _glfwMacDWRestoreWindow( void );
void _glfwMacDWRefreshWindowParams( void );
void _glfwMacDWSetMouseCursorPos( int x, int y );
#endif // _platform_h_